I am always a generation or three behind getting the latest gadgets. My friends have their Kindles and Nooks and iPads, and I have ........ [drum roll please] .......
My Dell Axim X5. A Pocket PC. From 2003.
Yes, it has a blazing fast 300MHz processor and all of 32MB of RAM. But with SD and CF slots, it can hold whole libraries. It's also an MP3 player, a voice recorder, and a whole lot more. Heck, you can even edit Word docs and Excel spreadsheets (If you're crazy enough to do that on the 240 X 320 screen). But the best part is that the battery will (still!) last all day. No, it doesn't have WiFi, though you can add that, and even browse the web.
Doomed by being ahead of its time.
It's been my faithful eBook reader for 7 years, and I pay it tribute! Now, when will it die so I can get one of those cool new gadgets?