Sunday, May 14, 2006

Did It!

The Century went pretty well, i.e. I survived. Yay!

My legs were pretty rubbery the last 25 miles. I slept very well last night and woke up not sore at all. However, I am feeling it in my legs now.

The weather was lovely, though the morning started out pretty cool. Registration didn't take long, and I was on my bike at 7:15. I wore my windbreaker until mile 20 (Gilroy Hot Springs). Decending on Canada Road through the fog was neat, but a little freaky.

There were lots of rest stops available, with lots of food and water, which was very nice. Once the day warmed up, it was around 80 degrees. I got a bit of sunburn in spots I missed (How did I miss the sides of my wrists? I suspect it really is there are spots where the sunscreen gets rubbed off).

It took me 7 hours and 45 minutes to complete the 100 miles, which was pretty much what I expected. Maybe a little slower than I had hoped, but I was just glad to finish.

At the last rest stop I called home so they could be there when I finished. It really cheered me up to see Shannon with her camera at the finish. Tracy got me balloons and candy. I really appreciate their support through all this.

Then we went to In-And-Out. Never has a hamburger and fries tasted so wonderful.

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