Friday, July 28, 2006

Sprint Tri On 8/19

Correction: The Tri-For-Fun in Pleasanton is on 8/19. I registered for it, so now I gotta do it. 8-)

The running and cycling I knww I can muddle through, but the swimming was a big worry for me. So I did what any red blooded chicken would do: I bought a triathlon wetsuit. I did, but only after adding swimming to my workouts. The suit really makes a difference in bouyancy. Oddly, this has helped me feel how the body roll should be and has improved my swimming w/o the suit.

Getting into the suit is theatre of the absurd. Snug, but it is what the size chart says I should wear. I don't think it supposed to be too easy, otherwise it would be too loose. It is quite comfortable once I am in it.

The wetsuit is a Quintan Roo Ultrajohn (sleeveless, with full legs). I would have to get a full-sleeve suit for a cold ocean swim, but it will be good for any lake swims or warmer ocean swims.

Also, I bought a Pearl Izumi Tri short. Good for swimming, cycling, and running. And I bought a TYR SwimMask.

Let's see. Do I have everything?

Wetsuit, tri shorts, mask (Need: swim cap, wetsuit repair kit)
Bike, bike shoes, socks, gloves, shell, helmet, pump, spare tube, bike jersey (Need: race belt?)
Running shoes, hat (Run in the bike jersey and same socks as the bike leg)
Water bottle and gels
Money ($6 for parking, ??)

Not sure if I should bring:

Heart rate monitor

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