Thursday, May 28, 2009

Healthy again!

I just had to take a week off of exercising because of a sinus and ear infection. My muscles were cramping and my foot hurt, so I was sooooo glad to run 1.5 miles and do some lifting this afternoon.

The down time came as family was in town to celebrate Brennen's graduation. All the grandparents insisted that I get enough rest, so I did. [Thanks, to all of you!]

My June race will be the Hunting Hollow 5k/10k on the 13th.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Peace Talks

Ironically, the result of my internal peace talks has been discovering that I want two things most of all:
  • Some time for peace and quiet
  • Feeling in control of my commitments

For the first, I really like to have daily reading time Maybe 1/2 an hour. And I enjoy my monthly race, because I am not interruptable.

For the second, I learned that the only one who knows my schedule is me, so I have to decide what I can do. I did that, and it works. Weird.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My own tyrant
Isn't my wife
Or my boss.
My tyrant's face
Looks like mine.
In life's tug-of-war, I often permitted myself to be the rope. It just dawned on me (duh!) that a strategic end to my internal tug of war, now that I have a better handle on not becoming the rope in external ones, is my primary mission.
The peace talks have started.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I think I'll do that ...


Now imagine me doing that.

Now stop rolling on the floor laughing.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Did you know that I can't please everyone? Or do everything? Go figure.

My counselor's been saying "You have to be happy with who you are."

I thought it meant that I shouldn't want to be better, but what it really means is that I have to understand and accept my current limits.

Looking back, I see a pattern of expecting myself to always act and feel as if I was much more perfect than I was. To accept tasks based on what I should be able to do rather than what I could do. To fear ruffling feathers because I might not handle it perfectly.

So, I have cut myself a huge piece of slack. Meet the flawed Jeff.