Saturday, September 15, 2007

Good run today

What a difference!

Today's 16 mile run was almost at target pace: 10:30 minutes/mile. No walk breaks. Target heart rate was 155 bpm. The weather was near perfect: sunny and cool, with a slight breeze. It was 70 degrees at the end of the run.

There were lots of folks on Coyote Creek Trail this morning doing marathon training. 'Tis the season.

I am guessing that my body is actually getting used to the long runs. Next week is a recovery week, then the long run on the 29th will be 20 miles. I hope I have better results then too.

Wednesday was a 5 mile tempo run (at 9:03 minutes/mile) with 1 mile warm and cool. Monday was a two mile easy run. I did these on the treadmill.

Shoes: The Nikes just had too low a toe box, so I tried a pair of Asics 2120s. The regular width pinches my feet, so I am going to try some widths.

Meanwhile, I am doing all my runs with the Beasts with Spenco cross-trainers. Concentrating on a straight toe-off, and not landing on the insides of my heels, has really helped.

Got the plane tickets this week for the Marathon. Now need to get car and hotel. This is starting to seem real.

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