Saturday, September 29, 2007

Mixed day

Today's was the last 20 mile run before the marathon. I was on a 10:40 pace until mile 16. Then I ran out of steam, and was hobbling too, and finished with an overall 11:24 pace. This was a better than the previous 20 mile run, so I am not totally disappointed.

The weather was very nice again. Fifty degrees F at the start and 70 degrees at the finish.

This was my first long run with the Adrenalines. They have been wonderful for runs up to 7 miles, but my right foot was hurting for the last part of the run. Of course, it may have hurt with my Beasts too. It will be interesting to see what difference the orthotics make. They should arrive this next week.

Wednesday was a short tempo run: 1 mile warmup, 3 miles at 8:45 pace, 1 miles cool down. That run went well. It was funny contrasting that to the race the week before. Races are faster but seem easier.

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