Sunday, December 23, 2007

Not a bad week

Well, I lost over 2 lbs this last week. Aside from some heel pain in my right foot, I feel great. I should stop complaining.

Two medical items:
  • I went to the Stanford University Marfan Center to see if the aneurysm I have in my right common iliac artery could be related to a connective tissue disorder. The answer is 'no'. The Dr. felt, however that I have a dissection, not an aneurysm, and that we may never know how it happened. I am cleared for any activity except power lifting or similar things that would spike my blood pressure.
  • I had a follow up with my podiatrist and we tried an experiment to see if heel lifts would help my heal pain. I had to pull the lifts out after two days. Ouch. Time for new shoes!

I signed up for the Los Gatos Resolution 5 Mile Run on New Years Day. Just trying to keep things interesting.

It's been so busy lately that I have had trouble sneaking in workouts. However, when Tracy joined the YMCA a couple weeks ago she signed us up for a family membership. Now I have another option. That's open to 10pm.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Because I have been on a weight roller coaster, I have been avoiding this blog.

Down to 205, back to 210. Repeat. Ack!

For the last three weeks I have worked out 5 days a week (prior to that it was 6 days a week), then spent hours on Saturday doing chores. I have been doing three runs a week, though because of time pressure they have been 2.5 to 3.1 mile runs. On non-run days, I have been riding the exercise bike for cross-training.

My diet has been my problem. I'm a nervous eater. A grazer. With a sweet tooth. During the day I am too busy to get into trouble, but at night...

I continue to attend weekly WW meetings and to try different ways to get myself kicked into gear. What keeps me going is knowing where my weight would go back to if I gave up. Take a look:

Thanks for listening.