Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Shoes and More

I ran 5 miles this week: three short runs. My foot feels pretty good. I am slooowwwwwly increasing the miles.

Amazingly, I am running on NB 1062s - neutral cushioning! They are the only neutral cushioning shoes I could find with enough in the heel that I don't bottom them out. They also have an insanely high and wide toe box, to accommodate my insanely high and wide toes.

Insane levels of stress the last couple of weeks have cranked up my anxiety level. I am catching myself eating for comfort. On the other hand, I am also catching myself speaking out more. I actually asked a person to move their car to the forward pump at Costo. Never would I have done that before. It's a little thing, but not really a little thing for me.

Combining Blogs

Going forward, I am combining The Bard Connotes into this blog. So, for continuity, here is the last entry from The Bard:

Clinically Depressed Poodle Mauls Former French President Chirac

If this resonates with your very soul, then we are one.