Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chubby Challenge Update

I haven't lost. I haven't gained.

What have I done? I have cut 100 Cal. from breakfast, and added one run a week, so now I do one run and 5 X-training workouts. That only translates into about 150 more Cal. a week burnt.

What do I need to do? Cut down evening eating. I will also target 350 calories burned for each X-training workout, rather than the current 250.

Go team!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The challenge

My sister, brother, and sister-in-law, and I, have challenged each other to lose 20 lbs. by Christmas. For the record I weighed 232 tonight, fully dressed.

The gauntlet is cast. 8-)

Cross-training five days a week, with one day for lawn mowing, continues to be my program. I want to add some road cycling, because the cross-training by itself gets a bit boring. I want to continue doing weightwatchers, but I think I will do it at the Almaden Center, for a change a pace.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Where's Jeff's Head?

Cross-training continues. Foot still hurts. Weight not where I want it.

My salvation is that I love to exercise now. Otherwise I would weigh pounds. Too much nervous eating hurts, though. I am looking for motivation.