Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Operator Error

I watched the guy at the bike shop fix yet another of my flat tires. Now I know I was under-inflating my tires. Regardless, I have heavy duty tubes front and back now.

Last Friday I did another 30 mile ride (Willow Springs Loop).

Saturday, Monday, and today I did cross-training. Yesterday I did 30 minutes of spinning.

According to my podiatrist I have an irritated nerve in my right foot that is causing referred heel pain. He injected my heel with Cortisone and Traumeel on Monday. I am to take Traumeel tablets and continue icing and using the night splint. Right now, I cannot run, so I am hoping that all this will help.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Strange Saturday

This week I did a 20 mile ride and a 1.5 mile ride. Plus four days of cross-training. Here's the story about the 1.5 mile ride:

Saturday morning my wife and I had a few word before she left for a Church activity. I decided to go for a ride to cool off. As I aired up, my front tube blew. I replaced the tube (with my last tube) and got on the road. A mile and a half later, the front went flat again, so I patched it. As I put the wheel back on the bike, the patch cut loose. So, I walked my bike home, showered, and thought. I wasn't on Someones good list.

When Tracy got home, we fell all over ourselves apologizing to each other.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

On The Road Again

This week I did 2 5K runs, a 20 mile ride, and a 30 mile ride, plus a x-training day. Thursday was a day off, so I could sneak in a date with my wife.

I have a sore bottom, and my back and thighs are not used to riding yet, either. It's good to be back on the road though: The weather is lovely.

Given how little time remains until Tierra Bella, I will probably do the 100K. It's not the distance so much as the climbing.