Monday, December 08, 2008

Who is Jeff?

Before delving into my embarrassingly public self-examination:

I ran two miles on Friday and again today. Saturday was yard day, which I count as a workout ever since I wore my heart monitor while mowing: 75% of max! Confession: Thursday, no workout. Cross-trained on the other days.

The theme for today is 'Who is Jeff?':

I am not my inner child. I have actually said that if I didn't have all these responsibilities, I would be lazy and do nothing at all. Yes, my inner child wants to do nothing except eat, sleep, and play. Duh! But that's not really me.

What have I done that is indicative of the "real" Jeff. Things done because I wanted to. Things not driven by the what others wanted, or by my inner child pitching a tantrum:
  • Serving a mission
  • Becoming an engineer
  • Being a family man
  • Losing over 100 lbs
  • Cycling a century
  • Running a marathon
  • Keeping this blog
Except for losing 100 lbs, all of these happened purely because I wanted to. Losing the weight required a kickstart by a Dr., but I still believe that it's something I wanted to do. Since I have gained part of it back, I have to decide if living a healthy lifestyle is something I really want to do.

Ooh. Gotta think about this.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Still, Still Running

I have been running twice a week for a while now, and my foot doesn't hurt worse. This makes me happy. Even if I can only run 5Ks, my need for more bib numbers and race shirts will be satisfied.

The word of the week is 'permission'. The aha moment was realizing that I look outside myself for permission or validation before doing anything that might be confrontational or unpleasant or even just difficult. So, now I officially give myself permission to:
  • Say no
  • Speak up
  • Ask for help
  • Reward myself with other things besides food
Looking outside myself for validation before saying no or speaking up, for example, has caused me a lot of anxiety. Eating has been a way to deal with that anxiety.

This is definitely a work in progress, but it feels good to be making some progress.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Much has happened:
  • I ran the Silicon Valley Turkey Trot 5k this morning. My first race in 11 months. My foot hurts a bit, but ice is my friend.
  • After avoiding seeing my cardiologist for 9 months, I got the lecture from him about my weight gain that I was dreading and hoping for. So ...
  • I am seeing a therapist about my anxiety induced overeating. My Dr. said I have to lose the weight or accept more medication, so I really want to deal with this.
  • I am still working out 5 or 6 times a week. Thank heavens that's a habit.
Best wishes.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chubby Challenge Update

I haven't lost. I haven't gained.

What have I done? I have cut 100 Cal. from breakfast, and added one run a week, so now I do one run and 5 X-training workouts. That only translates into about 150 more Cal. a week burnt.

What do I need to do? Cut down evening eating. I will also target 350 calories burned for each X-training workout, rather than the current 250.

Go team!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The challenge

My sister, brother, and sister-in-law, and I, have challenged each other to lose 20 lbs. by Christmas. For the record I weighed 232 tonight, fully dressed.

The gauntlet is cast. 8-)

Cross-training five days a week, with one day for lawn mowing, continues to be my program. I want to add some road cycling, because the cross-training by itself gets a bit boring. I want to continue doing weightwatchers, but I think I will do it at the Almaden Center, for a change a pace.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Where's Jeff's Head?

Cross-training continues. Foot still hurts. Weight not where I want it.

My salvation is that I love to exercise now. Otherwise I would weigh pounds. Too much nervous eating hurts, though. I am looking for motivation.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Five Days

I cross-trained five days this week. Saturday, I felt really draggy, so took a day off.

One new thing: The YMCA has two Expresso stationary bikes now. Too much fun.

Saturday, August 02, 2008


To catch up:
  • I am back actively going to Weight Watchers and tracking what I eat
  • My foot injury flared up after 5 weeks of running, so I am back to cross-training 6 times a week
  • The elliptical is bothering my foot now too, so mostly I cycle for cardio
  • I have added upper body strengthening to my workout
  • I am tracking my workouts through Fitlinxx, which is integrated into the equipment at the YMCA. Hey, it's a way to earn free t-shirts
Down, but not out.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Slogging On

My heel is tender, but recovers between runs. Mostly.

On Monday it was still a bit sore from running Saturday, so I switched after 10 minutes of running to cycling. Tuesday I ran 5K. Today I did 30 minutes on the elliptical, and lunges.

I think my heel is still a little too sensitive for speedwork.

Yesterday I spoke with my brother Joel. He recommended adding some weights to my cross-training days to build up more upper-body lean muscle mass to help with weight control. Personally, I prefer the narrow shouldered, spindly armed look, but told him to send me his workout recommendation. 8-)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sore, but ...

I am running 5Ks under 30 minutes now, but also am a bit sorer in my right heel. Running every other day is allowing for pretty good recovery, though. Ice remains my friend.

Saturday was a 2.5 mile run.

Monday was yaaaard wooork, which killed my back.

Tuesday was a 5K run.

Yesterday was an non-running day. I rode my bike for a half hour in the morning and a half hour in the afternoon. My thighs! They burn!

Today will be another 5K run.

If my heel still feels well next week, I will start speed work.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Still Running

Monday, and again today, I did 5K's at a 10 minute/mile pace. My heel is a bit sore, but not too bad. I am amazed how quickly conditioning went to pot: I was floppy-legged by the end of these runs.

On the light days, I did 1/2 hour of cardio, some core, and lunges.

Another 'duh' moment: If I don't do lunges I get cramps on the inside of the thighs. I wasn't doing lunges because they left my legs sore. However, I recently found that I could back off on the reps and still avoid the cramping. Gradually I am increasing the reps. I am guessing that my inner thigh muscles are unusually weak, since stretching didn't help.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Running - Slowly

I am still running, but building up slowly. Last week I did three run/walks: 3 minutes walking alternating with 3 minutes running. I have built up to a half hour of this, and have increased the running pace to 6 mph.

My heel hurts first thing in the morning and after sitting, but nothing like it was hurting before. Ice is my friend.

On the non-running days, I did a half hour of cross-training.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Good News

Yesterday, the Dr. cleared me to start running again! I am to build up slowly, so yesterday I ran 2X400M with 400M walking between. Not very much, but it's a start. Today was a cross-train day.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


My foot feels good. I continue cross-training six days a week.

I struggle with losing weight, though. Kinda frustrating. I know that if I slack on the exercise it will be even worse, but still I am eating too much.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Curtailed Week

Last week started out fine. I cross-trained each day, then took it easy on Saturday. Only 3 hours of yard work.

Truthfully I have an embarrasing ouchie and took it easy yesterday and today.

On an unrelated note, I got an honorable mention in the 2008 Little Lytton contest. My first entry! I was very excited. But don't read too far past mine if salty language bothers you.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cross-training and Recovery

Cross-training continues to not bother my heal. Just walking naturally has made my right calf less tight and my right knee less sore.

Ironically the only setback was on Saturday: I didn't cross-train. We had a Church kite flying activity, and I just about killed myself keeping three kid's kites in the air (my daughter's and two friends'). My heel was quite sore on Sunday.

Yesterday I weighed 211. One more week and I will claim that I have some momentum. Another epiphany (or "duh" moment where I see how I have been playing with my head): I have lost trust in my self-control and this effort is mostly about regaining that.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Cross-training, anyone?

Yesterday, I got another injection in my right heel. The Dr. said my unwise attempt to run on it set me back a bit, and I should plan on cross-training for a while. I am officially injured.

It's so tempting to push harder, because the injection (this time) has taken almost all the pain away. It feels so nice!

On the other hand, this is a great excuse to settle into a regular (non-impact) exercise routine and lose weight. I am down to 212. One or two more weeks of losing weight and I will come forward with my great new weight loss plan: Take it one day at a time. Oops. Not supposed to reveal my secret.

Don't remember what I did last Wednesday and Thursday: a half hour of something cardio. Friday, I did lunges, 10 pushups, and 30 minutes of cross training. Saturday, I did 1 hour of yard work (When pushing the mower my heart rate is between 135 and 145, which is nicely in the cardio-zone). Yesterday, I did 20 minutes of eliptical, 10 minutes of rowing, crunches, and 11 pushups. Today, 10 minutes of spinning, 10 of eliptical, 10 on the stairmaster, then 12 pushups. Yep, a one-more-pushup-a-day program!

The Dr. also said I should wear stiffer shoes when pushing the mower: That running shoes are too flexible. I was very sore after the yard work.

Paradoxically, being "injured" has taken the self-imposed pressure off of me to do something bigger than running a marathon. Somehow I had talked myself into the delusion that I could only stay motivated if I kept doing bigger and better things. I was messing up my own head. I like the idea of focusing on recovery and basic health for a while.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Catching Up

Cycled 20 miles on the 21st. Ruined my front tire and new heavy-duty tube. Whatever I hit sliced right through the Kevlar tire.

Then I had another sinus infection last week: three days of not enough sleep and I got sick. By Wednesday, I was well enough to mow the lawn. On Thursday, to walk 2 miles. On Friday and Saturday to do 1/2 hour cardio workouts.

Yesterday, I ran 2 miles. First time running in three weeks or so. My right foot was very sore this morning, though back to "normal" now. The shot in my heel and the Traumeel 3Xday hasn't made much difference (to my heel). My back feels wonderful.

Tonight I did 20 minutes spinning and 10 minutes on the rowing machine.

Thank heavens that a 1/2 hour of cardio 6 days a week is ingrained in me now. My haven of sanity. And, even though I am struggling with my weight a bit (up to 217), without the exercise it would be a lot more.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Operator Error

I watched the guy at the bike shop fix yet another of my flat tires. Now I know I was under-inflating my tires. Regardless, I have heavy duty tubes front and back now.

Last Friday I did another 30 mile ride (Willow Springs Loop).

Saturday, Monday, and today I did cross-training. Yesterday I did 30 minutes of spinning.

According to my podiatrist I have an irritated nerve in my right foot that is causing referred heel pain. He injected my heel with Cortisone and Traumeel on Monday. I am to take Traumeel tablets and continue icing and using the night splint. Right now, I cannot run, so I am hoping that all this will help.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Strange Saturday

This week I did a 20 mile ride and a 1.5 mile ride. Plus four days of cross-training. Here's the story about the 1.5 mile ride:

Saturday morning my wife and I had a few word before she left for a Church activity. I decided to go for a ride to cool off. As I aired up, my front tube blew. I replaced the tube (with my last tube) and got on the road. A mile and a half later, the front went flat again, so I patched it. As I put the wheel back on the bike, the patch cut loose. So, I walked my bike home, showered, and thought. I wasn't on Someones good list.

When Tracy got home, we fell all over ourselves apologizing to each other.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

On The Road Again

This week I did 2 5K runs, a 20 mile ride, and a 30 mile ride, plus a x-training day. Thursday was a day off, so I could sneak in a date with my wife.

I have a sore bottom, and my back and thighs are not used to riding yet, either. It's good to be back on the road though: The weather is lovely.

Given how little time remains until Tierra Bella, I will probably do the 100K. It's not the distance so much as the climbing.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Back In The Saddle

I had second wave of sickness as whatever I had tried to go to my chest, but am fine now.

Last Thursday I did a 1/2 hour ride, then on Friday and Saturday I took my younger daughter to Disneyland. On Friday we spent 15 hours in the park and rode 30 rides. Saturday we rode 6 rides in 4 hours. On Sunday I could barely move. I cannot keep up with a 7 year old. See Aerins Antics for a fuller account.

Yesterday I ran 5K, and today (finally, huzzah!) I went on a 20 mile ride. The weather was absolutely beautiful. Afterwards, my legs feel like lead. It took me almost 1.5 hours to ride the Bailey Loop: A bit off my pace, but I am happy to be back in the saddle.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Been Sick

Right after the last post I got sick. First a virus, then sinus and ear infections. Last Thursday I felt well enough to "exercise", so I walked for a half hour. Friday I ran two miles - very slowly. Saturday I walked for 20 minutes.

Yesterday, I actually got to cycle! Eight whole miles. My legs felt like lumber. My hiney got chafed. What a wimp!

Now I am really scared about the Century in April. Only nine weeks to prepare. The only saving grace is that I have reasonable cardio conditioning and endurance.

Another neat thing: the new aerobars really helped relieve pressure on my hands. I had tried different gloves, seat and handle bar angles, padded tape, and vibration dampers. They helped a bit, but I have a mild case of carpel-tunnel syndrome.

And: no flat tire!

Today I ran 5K, but still not up to pre-sickness pace.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Gearing up!

This week I ran 11.2 miles again. On Friday, I did my first cycling of the season. Since it was a downpour day, I did spinning, actually. Saturday, after a five mile run and a birthday lunch at Todai (yum), I got to go b-day shopping! Nothing like a couple hours at the bike shop.

For starters, I had that persistent flat rear tire problem. And my bike tire goes flat too. They were working on my bike when I heard a loud pop and "I found the leak!" With that fixed, I had them put on aerobars and new brake pads. I also got arm warmers and glove liners, so I am ready to start training in earnest. As soon as the rain lets up a bit. Until then, I will spin.

I thought I was in good shape, but my rear and my quads are not happy after just 30 minutes of spinning.

Why the sudden focus? I registered for the Tierra Bella Century on April 19. Less than three months to get ready!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

I'm Back!

Actually, I have been back for a week. A busy week catching up at work.

Good news, bad news: Through all of the Christmas holiday and the cruise I gained 4 lbs. I'll take it. Now back to work.

Cruise pictures are at

This week I ran 11.2 miles. A 5k on Monday and Wednesday and 5 miles today. On Tuesday and Friday I cycled. On Thursday I walked, since I really pushed myself on Wednesday's run: a 25:42.

Now, I have to get my appetite under control. Too used to eating.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Still cruising!

On this cruise, I have kayaked, hiked, snorkeled, shopped, run, and kept busy. There has been lots of fresh fruit, veggies, low fat alternatives, etc. I will be really ticked off if I gain weight, but I have sure had a great time.

The only downside is the yummy food. I have been good except for dinner. Even then, I have chosen the lower calorie alternatives. However, portion sizes are rather large.

Monday, January 07, 2008


As we cruise to (hopefully) sunny Mexico, I try to balance enjoying the wonderful food and not overdoing it. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Resolution Run

The Los Gatos 5M Resolution Run this morning was a blast. It was the same course as the Dammit Run, which is in August. My time was 49:50, or so. The first half of the run is grueling. The second half is mostly downhill and is over very quickly.

The guy who won the 50-59 age group was second overall. I am amazed how fast folks can remain.
The day started out cold (45 degrees or so), but by race time the weather was gorgeous.

I bought a pair of NB 1222's and my heel isn't quite as sore. The Brooks's were bottoming out.